Sunday, 19 February 2012

Starting Over

I am really starting over, not only is it a new year but I'm on a quest to begin again.

I started this blog on the 11th August 2011 and that turned out to be EXACTLY one month before my dear mother passed away. and now it's almost 4 months since then. At first I thought I'd cope with grief and loss as I seemingly cope with the rest of my life....not to be I'm afraid and I'm still on that topsy turvy journey of getting on with things and feelings of unimaginable sadness.

Mum and I were really close, closer than most mothers and daughters. She lived with my family for the past 25 years and for the past 4 years I have been her carer. I gave up my last job so that she wouldn't have to face a nursing home or hospital care to go through her own journey with ovarian cancer.

Her wish not to go into the dreaded 'home' was granted and together we battled the disease the best we could. Believe me chemotherapy at any age isn't fun I'm sure but in your 80's it's really a nightmare. My mother was a brave woman, determined not to give up and in the past 4 years since her diagnosis we enjoyed many many happy times together and with family and friends.

I miss her terribly and am trying to honor her now by getting myself together. Job hunting at my age is not pretty and of course it's the 'current experience' that becomes so important. A little part time position to get me back into the swing of things is just what I need now. I have applied for many jobs in the past 6 weeks, no success yet but will keep you posted. I'm taking a leaf out of Mum's book and not giving up.

On the diet front....well things have not been good, although my weight remains the same 88klg however I feel bigger and am certainly less fit. I am trying to get a healthier perspective about food and am planning meals not only for good nutrition but trying to be budget wise as well. Hope being accountable will help!!!!

Another fresh approach to each day has been to de clutter my home and it's working so far and I'm feeling less stressed now everything is becoming more organised. I feel good about writing again and hope someone out there reads this. As the days go by I'll try to share more and more so until next time I send you blessings and wish you happy days.

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