Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Food Food Food

Isn't it interesting that when we are trying to restrict something we often do just the opposite. It always seems to happen to me...when I'm dieting all I think about is food food food, thus feeling hungry and deprived all the time.
It's such a pain and I know it's a mind thing but I just can't seem to help myself.
Ha ha I hear you saying, she has no will power and yes, you are right...None whatsoever, so there has got to be a better way.
I'm trying to focus on creating healthy interesting meals and snacks that satisfy without piling on the pounds.

So far this week I've done ok and we have had some mighty tasty dinners.
The rest of the day is a huge problem though so from today I have decided to restrict carbs until sharing dinner with the family. I will share some of these dinners with you.

 Amazing pasta shells filled with a delicious mixture of ricotta, spinach, garlic and Parmesan cheese. Baked with tomato sauce, topped with more cheese and served with a side salad...who said diet??


Loving these pasta shells, found them at the continental deli.
$6 for this packet and I'll get 3 meals of this size out of them, so fairly economical.

So far so good!
Had a carb free breakfast and not hungry, in fact feel quite full. I even made some flax bread so felt really good about that. There are heaps of low carb recipes on line and a seems to be pretty comprehensive and I am enjoying working through it all.
Am sure I'm addicted to sugar as well so will attempt to stay away from that evil white stuff.
On the job hunt front, I still have a couple of interviews to hear back from, so fingers crossed something will come up sooooon

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